Vedro Imanuel Girsang, Imam Hamdi, Jakarta – Several groups have highlighted the performance of President Prabowo Subianto's 100-day administration. They are concerned that the Prabowo's administration is trying to revive militarism and perpetuate state impunity in upholding human rights.
Documents containing the term 'abduction of pro-democracy activists'

Hoping that President Prabowo Subianto is serious about protecting human rights as absurd as an owl yearning for the moon (wishing for the impossible).

Erick Tanjung, Faqih Fathurrahman – Human rights activists wearing all-black clothing held a "Kamisan Action" opposite Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday October 24. This the 837th Kamisan and the first one held in the era of President Prabowo Subianto.

Yolanda Agne, Jakarta – A number of parties have protested the proposal to award the title of national hero on the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto, which was announced by People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker and Golkar Party poli

Winda Nelfira, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia hopes that Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia on September 3-7 can be used as a momentum to urge the Indonesian government to resolve past gross human rights violations.

President elect Prabowo Subianto took the opportunity recently to mention the crisis that occurred in 1998. Prabowo said that the government, which was then led by former president Suharto, was in fact already on the right track.

Jakarta – The 828th Kamisan action on Thursday August 22 this afternoon thundered. A sea of protesters consisting of activists, academics, students and human rights defenders were present in front of the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta.

Sultan Abdurrahman, Jakarta – Two elite officials from the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) have met with activists and family members of victims of the abduction of pro-democracy activists and riots in Jakarta in 1997-98.

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo was not present at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) which is hearing a lawsuit against the honorary four-star general rank Widodo gave to Defense Minister and president elect Prabowo Subianto in February.

Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – President elect Prabowo Subianto has dismissed concerns by many parties about his leadership of the next administration related to his track record while still serving in the TNI (Indonesian military).

Jakarta – Protesters from the Musicians Coalition for Gaza held a demonstration demanding "Stop the Palestine Genocide" in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta on Friday afternoon, April 19.

Jakarta – Representatives from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) visited the office of the Ministry of State Secretariat at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta on Monday March 4.

Jakarta – The 807th Kamisan (Thursday) action, which was held in front of the Merdeka Palace on Thursday February 29, also touched on the issue of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo giving an honorary rank of four-star general to Defense Minister Prabowo

Jakarta – Scores of civil society organisations have expressed their opposition to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's decision to award Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto with an honorary rank of four-star general.

Jakarta – The moment Prabowo Subianto was dismissed from the Indonesian Armed Forces (then called ABRI) has again been in the public spotlight after President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo awarded the Defense Minister and presumptive president the rank of honorary fo

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid believes that the plan to award the rank of honorary four-star general on Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto will be a problematic decision.

Jakarta – A Kamisan (Thursday) action today touched on the presidential and vice presidential ticket number 2 of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's eldest son Gibran Rakab

Jessi Carina, Jakarta – Presidential candidate number 2 Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto greeted a number 98 activists who have joined him in the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) at an Indonesian Youth Vote for Prabowo-Gibran event at the Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC) in Senayan, Jakarta, on Sat

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – The Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka national election campaign team (TKN) has discovered the circulation of a tabloid called Achtung which says that Prabowo is the kidnapper of pro-democracy activists in 1998.

Jakarta – The families of the victims of the enforced disappearances in 1997-98 have raised the possibility of holding a massive Kamisan (Thursday) action in front of the Presidential Palace complex in Central Jakarta ahead of the 2024